IslandMan and Simon,
Thanks for mentioning the Worldwide Church of God / Grace Communion International.
Never heard of them before.
Two things I find very interesting about this group are:
- Their official apology for previously held beliefs now deemed wrong. A still in dear friend of mine claimed the FDS did apology for 1975 and 1914 expectations, and quoted me some examples. I asked him where the sincere apology from the FDS is, where they take full responsibility instead of blaming others. The WCG/GCI example shows how it could/should be done.
- Some of their new beliefs are the direct opposite of what they previously believed. They taught only they had the truth, all other churches were evil Satan stuff. Now they embrace other churches as being true. Yes, these changes cost them 50% members, but they're still there. And so will the Watchtower for many years. WCG/GCI doctrinal changes prove that no sudden change in doctrine, no scandal can be big enough to open everyone's eyes. Let's just hope we can get the ones we love to wake up...